Sunday, September 27, 2009

My beautiful Kirsten...

*post by Katie Kenelly*

As some of you might know, Marisol Luna was my first doll, but I sold her and got Kirsten Larson, the lovable blond-haired, blue-eyed immigrant from Sweden growing up in Minnesota in 1854. Kirsten has always been my absolute favorite doll (don't tell the other dolls). She's a pioneer, she's from Sweden like me, and her stories are American Girl *classics* (lol I'm a dork :P). I read all of her books way-back-when and totally fell in love with her. So, with all the money I earned I finally got her and she was my only doll for a long time.

Fast forward to 2009.....

American Girl is archiving Kirsten!!!! I am so sad I can't even tell y'all! I hope it's not the last year with her because I need to get all of her outfits that are still left! I hope they come out with a new 1800s doll because they are taking away a PIONEER doll! Addy is a wonderful doll that I want, but her stories are about the Civil War. Josefina is another beautiful doll, but her stories aren't about growing up as a pioneer. Why, oh why must you do this to me American Girl????? First you retire Samantha and Nellie (the only Irish doll!) now Kirsten! If your retire Molly and Emily or Felicity and Elizabeth before I get to get any of them (besides Molly), then I am going to go crazy.

I am so sad about this. :'( I'm too sad to say anymore about Kirsten.


Katie Kenelly


  1. I'm sorry that A.G. is doing is this too, but it's always nice to see if you'll like the new pioneer doll A.G. might make! : )

  2. I'm sad, too. Sunny has Kirsten and she's really sad. Kirsten has been sulking all day ;-( I hope you like the new pioneer doll that AG might make, too!


  3. I know, this is terrible! Maybe Samantha, Nellie and Kirsten can start a club or something. :(
    I've made a petition though! Please sign,

  4. I signed AGSpencer's petition! I hate it that they retired Samantha and Nellie! Can I tell you a secret? Hilary and I are Samantha and Nellie only we have hair cuts and we changed our names after we retired. Mom figured since we couldn't get any new clothes, what's the point? So, that's my secret! Ssh! Don't tell anyone!!!!!
    Lola :)
