Thursday, September 3, 2009

The new AG stuff!

Omg omg omg omg!!! Guess what??? The NEW JLYs came out today!!! Aaaah!!!! They're all gorgeous, Pioneer loves them all! But Pioneer LOVES these two! She she thinks they're drop-dead gorgeous! She loves them! She wants them soo bad! *These pgotos came from American Girl. They are not our photos.

Now, you're probably all wondering, "Gosh, Pioneer sure wants a LOT of dolls!"... well, she does, and so I am going to make a list of all the dolls she wants to buy (in order):

  • Murron Chisolm (saving up for her)
  • Iseult McCormick (saving up for her)
  • Felicity Merriman
  • JLY med skin, blue eyes, black/brown wavy hair (left picture)
  • JLY light skin, brown curly hair, green eyes (right picture)

Let's just call those JLYs Helena (left one) and Rachel (right one) for the time being. Pioneer probably won't name them that if she gets them, but whenever we talk about those dolls we'll just say those names.

Anyway, AG came out with other things too! Awesome new outfits! Beautiful new items!

Okay, we have to go now, but remember Pioneer is still buying Murron and Iseult!




  1. Beautiful dolls! I think they are both really cute :-)


  2. Those dolls are so pretty, we like them as well, but probably won't get them. The new items are great, but I can't believe there are 20 new dolls!!!

  3. I'm really excited about the new things too! Bree is having a very, uh.... hard time choosing what she wants to save up for next. ; )

    - Kit from Kit's Newspaper Blog (Previously My Adorable Dolls, previously Amazing A.G. Dolls)

    P.S, Pioneer, could you please change My Adorable Dolls on your blog list to Kit's Newspaper blog? I'd appreciate it! : )

  4. Hi!, I like Rachel the best, but she looks a lot like Ruthie. I also like Helena! I also can't believe that there are 20 new dolls, it is so cool!

    Your Friend,
