Friday, October 16, 2009

A wonderful day! By Katie Kenelly

Oh my gosh! Today is great (except for having an ear infection :P)! Why?

1) 20 followers! Yay! Thank you guys so much! You all are awesome! Thanks so much!

2) The SURPRISE CAME!!!! Yup, the package just arrived! I'm sick now, though, so I won't be able to take any pictures of it yet, but here's a hint: England.

The dolls have no idea yet, they didn't even know I was looking at this item on eBay! :D

If you know what it is, please don't comment saying what it is! Thanks!

Sorry for the short post, my ear is starting to hurt again. :P


Katie Kenelly



  1. Yay, I am so glad she arrived :D

  2. Ya, same here, I am getting so lazy about commenting too, but don't worry, I have been reading all of your posts.

    I wonder what it could be? I really have no clue what it is.

    Well, have a nice Saturday!


    Your Friend,

  3. I really like your blog! I am now following it. Check out my blog at

    I am sorry to hear about your ear-ache... and I can't wait to find out about the surprise!
