Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I will post some pictures later, I promise! But, guess what?

Pioneer got a new doll!

I'm not going to tell you though. I am keeping it a surprise until tomorrow.

I will also post about the party tomorrow.

Lucy <3


  1. I know who it is... ;) I commented on You-Tube! Hey Lucy, wanna be my pen-pal? I'd love it! I'll email you :D

  2. Hey, I wonder who the doll could be? I'm getting Serenity tomorrow because I'm having like a second Christmas at my Grandma's house with all of my cousins and my Grandma is the one who gets me all of my AG stuff! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

    Ellaine })({

    P.S.I bet that Lucy and Serenity would be great friends if they met!
