Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hi y'all! *UPDATE*

Hey guys! It's Molly again!

Pioneer loves Pullips, and, same as before, might get one, but today she needs help with American Girl. So....... we're asking you to help us!!!! Pioneer can't decide which doll she wants next (after she gets the stuff she currently wants from AG: Murron, Iseult, etc.):
So, which doll do you think Pioneer should get? *These are not our pictures. They belong to American Girl www.americangirl.com
I want Pioneer to get Emily (of course!) and Ruthie is DEMANDING Pioneer gets Kit, but I just want Pioneer to pick a doll that she'll be happy with! Oh, and (of course) Mini Julie is threatening to run away if Pioneer doesn't get Julie (the regular sized one). Mini Julie has some "anger issues". LOL just kidding! But seriously, she needs to work on her temper!
Anyway, comment on this post to tell us which doll you recommend! Thanks!


P.S. Pioneer uploaded our YouTube video! Yay! Oh, and we created our first REAL Picasa! Click HERE.
*UPDATE* Hi guys! Sorry for the late-night post! Pioneer just wanted me to tell y'all that she is not obsessed with Pullips anymore. Also, she's going to put up a poll at the side with each doll she wants! Thanks to the people who have commented so far!


  1. I'd get Julie!

    - Bree (I used 2 go by Bookworm)

  2. I think Pioneer should choose whoever her heart desires! I think Felicity is really pretty with her red hair and green eyes, though ;-) Not many dolls have green eyes (her and a JLY) so that's neat.

    Have fun watching oklahoma!


  3. Hi,
    Two of my sisters are Felicity and Elizabeth.
    They are awesome!
    Their hair is great for doing wonderful hairdos.
    I also think Emily is SUPER Beautiful.
    I voted for Emily on your poll.
    But I think that you should get whichever doll that you think just clicks.
    That is how Ellaine (My Owner) Chose me.
    And she is glad that she chose me!
    Your Doll Instincts will tell you which one to get.
    I know, That was weird.
    Sorry for the long comment.

    Your Friend,

  4. Yay! Ruthie your back! It was not weird! It's totally the truth! LOL! Thanks for commenting Ruthie, Cali, and Bree!

  5. .I agree with Ruthie. Get a doll that just clicks with you.

  6. I said Julie! She is so cute and pretty and her hair is fabulous!

  7. I agree, go with whichever doll you really want, not just who random strangers on the internet and telling you who to get.
    I voted for Emily though. She has to be one of my favorite dolls! I love her hair, it's a very pretty bronze color, and it's very smooth and silky. I love her blue eyes too. She's gorgeous!
    Good luck!
