Sunday, August 16, 2009

Meet the Teacher and The Sound of Music

Hi everyone! It's Katie Kenelly. I just wanted to write something real quick. Sorry for not writing yesterday! I was at a furniture store with my family, and I went into the kids room with my little brother and baby sister, and they had these fun chairs that were like seesaws. My brother would catapult me off one end, and it was so fun! I also did it with my baby sister (I caught her, don't worry) and she was laughing so hard! It was so fun! I just wanted to write something funny today! Molly wants to write now. Bye!


Katie Kenelly

Hi guys! It's Molly now. So, on Friday night we met our teachers. Miss Lamb, my teacher, is very nice! She has platinum blonde hair that was swept up in a coiled bun, and she was wearing a high-waisted skirt and a short-sleeved blouse that was tucked in. She was beautiful! She said she was very excited about being my first teacher ever at Kimdale.

Then we went to Rebecca's teacher. She got Miss Marigold as her homeroom teacher, and Miss Marigold is the performing arts teacher! Rebecca was still cranky, though, so she wasn't very happy. But Miss Marigold was still nice!

After that, Sam and Nellie made us go meet Miss Frouchy. We were all so scared, but Miss Frouchy is actually pretty nice! She said that she wasn't related to the Miss Frouchy Sam and Nellie knew. So, that was a relief.

Then we went to see Mia and Nicki's teacher. Their teacher was the music teacher, and she was also nice. Ruthie's teacher taught typing, so she was happy so that if Kit ever came to live with us, Ruthie could show Kit how good a typer she had become.

Kirsten's teacher teaches history. Kirsten was happy because then she could get evry answer right on tests that had to do with the 1800s. We all laughed.

Speaking of Kirsten, her play, The Sound of Music, is next Saturday night!!!!!!!! I know! She's been working so hard! We are all very excited for her!! Don't tell her, but we have a surpise party planned for her after her play! Shhhh!

After we met all of our teachers, we got a doll taxi and went to a restaurant. We went to a nice restaurant that served Jewish food (we did it for Beckie to cheer her up, and also because we all love Jewish food) and Russian food. It was very yummy. It cheered Beckie up some, and then we went home and celebrated Sabbath with her, like we do every weekend. We all had a sleepover and stayed up until 3 A.M. It was so fun1 We watched all of the American Girl movies, and we payed close attention to Felicity's because she is coming to be our new sister soon. It was a wonderful night!

We can't wait for Kirsten's play! She's been so excited about it! Yay! The cover for the play isn't where it's supposed to be, but we found it off Google if you search for "The Sound of Music".




  1. Break a Leg Kristen! School seems like it is going to go well this year.

  2. Break a leg, Kirsten! I know you'll do really great ;-)

    I just saw the Sound of Music and I loved it!


  3. The furniture store sounds fun!

    I'm glad that you all like your teachers, and none of them are mean. Good luck in school! I hope Beckie cheers up. Yum, I love Jewish and Russian food too!
    Break a leg, Kirsten! A surprise party will be great.
