Monday, August 31, 2009

Ikea bed!

Hi guys!!!! Guess what? On Saturday night, Pioneer and her family were shopping at Ikea and they found a doll sized bed there!!!!! So, Pioneer's mom agreed to buy it if Pioneer worked it off, which she did Sunday after church, and so now we have a bed! Yay! We let Kirsten and Nellie have it, partly because Kirsten is Swedish and her and Nellie were the first dolls. Click HERE to see the Picasa album of it! You have to be logged in though to Picasa to view it. I put that in bold because I don't want anyone to miss it. :) If you don't have a Picasa, we will post the pictures on here. :0) Yes, we know, the light is weird on some pictures, and a little blurry, but you can still see the pics!

The other Picasa albums will hopefully be up this weekend, and all of our special Back to School posts will also be up hopefully this weekend.

Gotta go, bed time. :P




  1. I can't see the pictures but I'm sure its nice. I have been asking my parents to go to Ikea, but they won't go. *Sigh. I hope I can get a bed soon.

  2. I can't see the album either, you must have set it on private :)
    Is it the same bed that Sitara got? That is so cute, my dolls really need some more beds! That's nice that Kirsten and Nellie get it, since they're the oldest.

  3. Hi,
    For some reason I can't see the pictures, but I am sure it is a very cute bed. The only bed that we have (that is not made out of boxes) is Bitty Baby's crib. But we still have pretty nice box beds. I hope you have fun with your new bed!

    Your Friend,

  4. Hi, this doesn't have anything to do with your post but I was just visiting your youtube channel and I saw something that made me burst out laughing. (I do not own this quote, you do, or at least I read it on your youtube channel)

    "When life gives you lemons, make grape juice,
    then sit back and watch everyone wonder how you
    did it."

    That is sooo funny! You have made my day! Thanks!


    Your Friend,

  5. That is awesome! I've been to an Ikea store before but I've never actually seen the bed. It sounds really neat! :-)

