Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finally something happy to write about

Hi guys. Pioneer is really sick, so we haven't posted in a while. But, anyway, Pioneer rented the Chrissa movie last night, and so we watched it with her. It was really good. Our favorite part was when Chrissa finally told her parents what Tara was doing to her. For those of you who haven't seen it, I won't tell you what happens in the end, but it's really good. We think it's the best AG movie yet! Speaking of AG movies, we're going to rate the movies. 

Chrissa: 5 stars 
Kit Kittredge: 1/2 star (Pioneer fell asleep watching it she was so bored) 
Molly: 3 stars. 
Felicity: 4 stars. 
Samantha: 4 1/2 stars. 

Now that's just our opinion. We will be doing a new pole at the right on which AG movie is your favorite. Oh, and we may not give you a surprise hint everyday.... :) 


All 7 of us (no Nellie) 


  1. Oh, I saw the Chrissa film in parts on YouTube! It was cool, but tricky to compare to the other movies as they are all historical character ones.

  2. I saw the Chrissa movie a while ago, it's pretty good! But my favorite AG movie is the Felicity movie, but I love the time period, fashion, and Felicity's stories too.
