Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our 100th Post! We are all writing it!

Hi everyone! It's our 100th post, and yesterday we said we were planning to do something special. Well, it's not really all that special, but it is to us! We're making a list of all the doll couture Pioneer wants to get us! So, here goes!
  • The 1940s Party Dress from Damsels-in-Dress. Pioneer absolutely LOVES this dress! She loves everything about it! Everything!
  • The Dainty Dots Dress from Melody Valerie. Pioneer LOVES the colors and the polka dots on this dress.
  • The 1904-101 Beige Dress from Terri's Touch. Pioneer LOVES the hair ribbon that comes with it, and the colors. She just loves the style!
  • Spring #7 from Liberty Jane. Pioneer just likes the tanktop and the shorts. She's not a real big fan of Liberty Jane, 'cause they're mostly Hannah Montana clothes and she strongly dislikes (hate is not a nice word for dolls) Hannah Montana and her clothes. So, this outfit is pretty nice.
  • Kirsten 4908F (we didn't see a name for it). Pioneer loves the apron and the dress and shawl. Loves everything.

Now, that's not a whole lot, because a lot of stuff is already sold, but yeah. Pioneer REALLY wants the Damsels-in-Dress one, and the Terri's Touch one. Those are the ones she wants sooooo bad! She would love them! But, I guess she probably won't get them since a) she's already decided she's getting something at the AG B&B in Dallas and b) she doesn't wanna beg her mom to order them for her.

Well, there's always Christmas and birthdays. And sewing lessons so Pioneer can make dresses by herself. Hmm, that's not a bad idea!

Since we're on the subject of clothes, Pioneer wants to take sewing lessons so she can make us clothes for FREE!
Well, she's still have to buy fabric and her own sewing kit, but still she wouldn't have to buy a dress! She is thinking of making something for Nellie, since she's Pioneer's first Irish AG doll (Pioneer's Irish), and Nellie doesn't really have a lot for her time period. Samantha doesn't either, but Pioneer wants to make a dress for Nellie first. So, she wants to kind of remake Nellie's spring/birthday/pink (Pioneer's forgotten the name of it!) dress. She'll probably have to be an excellent sewer to make that, though, so she'll start with something basic, like a long-skirted prairie teacher-ish outfit for Kirsten or any of us. Pioneer LOVES the time of the pioneers (you can tell by the name), so that'll probably be her first easy one, and Nellie's will probably be her first hard one. Pioneer already has a Barbie prairie teacher-ish dress so she can use that as a model of what to make. Now, we need sewing lessons. Argh! But, I have (or more like hope) that Pioneer will catch on to sewing easily because she has 'piano hands' (long, slender fingers) and she can make those bracelets and stuff in about 5 minutes. So, sewing can't be that hard for her, right? Oh, let's hope!

Anyway, I wonder who Pioneer will pick as a model to take pictures of when she's done making a dress? I know, we're thinking too far ahead, but this stuff is fun to plan! Like, how some girls think about what they want for their birhtday when it's 3 months away or something. Pioneer will probably pick a doll that fits in with the time-period of the dress she made. Like, for her first dress she want's to make (the prairie teacher one) she'll probably pick from Kirsten, Sam, or Beckie. For Nellie's dress she'll definitely pick Nellie (no duh, Nicki!). I don't know. We're just really excited today.

Speaking of fashion, we can't wait to go to the American Girl Boutique and Bistro! Pioneer's parents are thinking about going next weekend, but it's not for sure yet. So, we won't say it is definitely next weekend, but we are definitely going this summer. That will probably be our first Picasa album. We'll also make an album of Kirsten in The Sound of Music, which she will be doing of August 23, the day before the very first day of school! OMG! School! Aaaah! But, we're at Kimdale, so I wonder what this school will be like. Hmmm.

We've gotta go now, but have a wonderful day!


Your friends at Samantha and her sisters' Extraordinary Blog!


  1. Congrats on your 100th post! :)

    ~Starr~ and her dolls

  2. Hi! I was browsing your blog tonight for the first time and WOW, saw my name. You made my day when I read how much you love the dress I made. I've been wanting to make that pattern for a long time and finally got to it. I hope you do take sewing lessons. I started sewing very young, don't even know how old, but I have always loved it and find it so rewarding. And it is so great when people love my designs and can get pleasure from them!

  3. Congrats on your 100th post!

    Samantha and sisters:
    My original blog was full of stupid computer bugs, so I decided to make a new one. It is the same address as before ( I was able to export and import my old blog to my new one, so all of my original posts are there too.

    If you could check my new blog out, I would really appreciate it! :)
