Saturday, July 4, 2009



Pioneer got a video camera (that can also take pics) for Christmas, but she needed a chip for it so the camera could take videos that were longer than 20 seconds, and she just got it yesterday, and a tripod, and a Youtube account! Guess what all that means? A STOP-MOTION MOVIE! Yes! Pioneer is going to make a stop-motion of us, and post them on our Youtube account, and take pictures of us for our Picasa! Isn't that exciting? And she will post pictures of our 4 of July celebration soon! Oh, and we have even more news: Pioneer went to Target today, and as you may have read on Doll Diaries, there is a dollar section with mini tin lunchkits that can be used as lunchboxes for AG dolls! They come with a Sprite one and a Coca-Cola one. We will post pics of them ASAP. They're really cute! And more exciting news: KIRSTEN GOT THE PART OF GRETEL IN THE SOUND OF MUSIC!!!!!!!!!! I know! We were all so happy! Kirsten almost cried she was so happy! The audition was really hard, and about 30 other girls wanted the part too, but they chose KIRSTEN! We are so proud of her! We will take pictures of her doing the role at the play, which is on the 29 this month!

Wow, a post of nothing but happy news, except for some terrible news: Nellie doesn't hang out with us anymore! She is hanging out with this girl named Anabelle (we call her Bananabelle like Felicity and Elizabeth do) and these two other mean girls. Nellie is even becoming a bit fierce. I went to her dorm the other day to ahng out with her, and she opened the door, and when she saw it was me she rolled her eyes, put her hands on her hips and said, "What do you want, Rebecca Rubin?"

Well, I told her I thought we could hang out together for a while, and she goes, "Uhhh, no way! I have 3 new BFFs who are totally fashionable and not historical characters!"

"But, Nellie," I said. "You're a historical character!"
"Not anymore. And my name's not Nellie, it's Ella. Oh, and you can have this lame historical dress of mine, it's soooo out this season!" She snapped at me as she shoved her Meet dress into my arms. Then she SLAMMED THE DOOR IN MY FACE WITHOUT SAYING THANK-YOU OR GOODBYE!

I was shocked that Nellie did that! I ran back to tell all the others, and they were shocked too!

What are we going to do?




  1. Hi,
    Congrats Kirsten!

    I hoped it would not get to be that bad! I hoped Nellie would not sink down to their level. Oh, darn!

    What is your youtube username?
    I want to be able to see your video when you finish with it.

    I really think that I know what your surprise is. Even your 5th clue fits with my theory.

    I am going to a summer camp for 1 week next week so I won't be able to comment next week.


    Your Friend,

  2. Congrats to Kirsten!

    I'm sorry Nellie is acting like that. It's kinda awful.

  3. I can't believe Nellie would act like that! Well, congrats to Kirsten anyway! : )
