Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have talked to Samantha, and I am so happy now!!!!! I feel like dancing! Here's what happened, what I said is in purple, what Sam said is in red.

Samantha, you are a bully, you know that? You probably already do, and I can't imagine how you can face being like that. You are mean and rude and nasty. And I'm sick of you bullying me and pushing me around! It's NOT MY FAULT AG RETIRED YOU AND MADE ME! I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE PUT IN A TIME SO CLOSE TO YOURS! YOU ARE ACTING ENTIRELY IMMATURE AND MEAN! YOU ARE JUST HURTING YOURSELF! HATE IS WASTE! IT JUST HURTS YOU!

Samantha looked shocked. I was out of breath from yelling, and the other dolls were staring at me all wide-eyed and gaping. Then, I saw tears form in Samantha's eyes. They began to fall and splatter onto her dress.

I'm sorry, Beckie. I truly am. I know I'm mean, I know I'm all those things. I deserve to be retired. I really do. I was just so jealous that everyone liked you and Pioneer went crazy over you and stuff. I can't believe I acted so horrible. You're right; hate is waste. It just hurt me.

I then said quietly, "It's enough, Sam. It's time to move on, no more fighting. It just withers us down until we're nothing but a speck of dust."

Then, Samantha and I hugged each other. I then asked her if we could have a sleepover tonight, and she said yes. Now, we are good friends, and no more fighting! I'm so happy I finally stood up for myself! I feel good now, like I feel all happy.




  1. Hi,
    Sorry I haven't commented in a while, but I have been reading everything. I am so glad that you and Samantha made up, but I would still be careful. I don't think Sam would still try to be mean to you but you never know if she is still trying to pull off her evil plan. I don't think she would do that though.

    Your friend,

    P.S. I adore your blog

  2. Sorry to comment again but I voted for Millie +
    Felicity on your poll. I have Felicity as a sister and she is really nice.

    Your friend,

    P.S. I am still adoring your blog

  3. Yay, I'm glad they made up:)

  4. thank you ruthie and 1god! i am so happy to have such nice people commenting on my blog!

  5. oh, ruthie it's fine for you to comment more than once!

    ur friend too,


  6. I'm glad you guys cleared that up and are friends now! :)

