Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Notes on Party

Here is what the dolls and I decided on for the party: 
-Coconut and Sprocket to come
-June 12, so this Friday 
-10 o'clock because we have nothing else better to do at that time 
-One big present we all made for Mini Julie (M.J.) 
-Samantha will distract M.J. 
-Use Kit's Christmas Baking accessories 
-Dress up in our best outfits (Rebecca=Movie outfit, Kirsten=Summer outfit, Me=Meet dress with watch, Molly=Meet outfit, Nicki=Pink Flower outfit, Mia=Purple AG B&B Atlanta tee with skirt and tights, Sam=Meet outfit, Nellie=Meet outfit) 

So, there are our plans! I will write a post about it after the party and post pics too! 

Really, truly, 


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