Friday, June 5, 2009

The Sleepover

Hi guys! It's Rebecca again, and I'll tell you about last night's HORRIBLE sleepover. 

Well, we went and slept in Pioneer's baby sister's toddler bed. Nellie had to sleep sideways at our feet, and Kirsten had to sleep sideways at our heads. I had to sleep next to SAMANTHA! 

We were all giggling because every time we moved our feet, Nellie would be tickled in the ribs, and every time we turned our heads, Kirsten would be bumped. It started out fun, but it soon stopped. 

It was about 12 midnight, and we were all still wide awake because we had eaten some of Samantha's lunch and some of mine, and we ate only the sweets from our lunches, so we were very hyper. I was whispering to Kirsten, and Samantha was rolling over and over, and she bumped me, and didn't say sorry. So, I thought she just did it to be funny, so I bumped her back, and she sung her head around, said to me through her teeth, "Stop it NOW!" and turned back around. Everyone was quiet, even Molly, who was the most talkative. I felt tears forming in my eyes, and I laid back down on the pillow, and let the tears spill out of my eyes and onto the pillow. Nellie tried to hug my, but she couldn't, so she just held my hand, and Kirsten held my other hand. No one was talking now, so Samantha fell asleep. When we were absolutely sure that Samantha was asleep, we all gathered in a circle at the end of the bed and whispered about Samantha. I found out why Samantha was so angry. 

"She's just angry at you because she was retired, you were made and sold to replace her, but not in a bad way. You just got a really close time to her, in fact the next time available in between Sam and Kit, so you're lucky," Kirsten explained. I felt a little better, but still I was hurt. It's not my fault AG replaced me for Samantha. I am now going to go talk to Samantha about this conflict. I hope it works out. Wish me luck! 



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